Thursday, November 22, 2007

Finished? I hope so? Summation required

Well - I think I've done it? I'm just waiting for someone to say you've not finished at all and have to do it all again! I think I will just curl up in a little ball and scream - not fair not fair. It is finding the blessed time to do this - when you've started learning a new aspect of an area that you have moved to and trying desperately to learn that and this - well that is taking a higher priority than this, quite frankly.

I can say I've looked at most things - and frankly a lot of it is really, really boring to me. I'm not a technology person. I just get by with what I know and that has satisfied me. This has challenged me, but I've had to do things in a hurry in very short spurts, just so I can say I've done it.

If management ever reads this - make sure people have the time allocated specifically - don't assume they can do it. I find doing shifts and then juggling a really heavy workload are really taxing - and try doing this on top!!!!! Not fair...I think you (the manager) have to indicate that a two hour block every whatever day must be done for this - work takes a lower priority, especially if you are harping on making sure everybody does it! It makes it really tough if you are fighting demands to do this, but you are also told work takes priority. Make up your mind what you as a manager want - happy people willing to do it or really resenting the blazes out of it, because it eats into their valuable work time??? Some have resorted to doing it at home - because that's the only time they can do it. Is it that fair??? I have a computer at home - not connected to the internet for a reason. I use it daily at work - why the blazes do I want to use it at home????? I want my time for my things - not for going gaga. I have no interest in connecting - I would if I ever retired - then I can see a use for it, because I won't be using it all the time, and it would be a "luxury".

I am a Luddite in one respect - I am not computer fanatic. I have no interest in half the things the world is going completely insane over. It is all so "over there". In a short time we will all be going crazy over some other bit of technology - which will be just as inane and useless. Which I can't afford or am I even interested in acquiring? Oh fabjous joy! I can stop doing this........Now for some real work!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Library 2.0

It means we have to be smarter and faster. Problem is the speed of getting the computers to work/download!!! A constant complaint by our users/clients - whatever you want to call them. It means being able to use the computer seamlessly. Well, that's the plan, I guess. It would be good to integrate the multiple catalogues and be able to use them seamlessly - but the added problem is ensuring that people really get what they want - not rubbish. Although - I suspect that serendipitous discoveries will not occur as much. It is the picking up of a book and just browsing sometimes you get those Eureka moments and chance discoveries. I guess I'm a Luddite at heart! The future is what we want to make of it and how we do it. I would want a single search engine to assist sometimes, but some of those databases are absolute cows to search correctly so I would be very intrigued on how they may be incorporated??? Or will they - if they could be it would make a life for our users much better.

the optional audio book thing

I've looked at the World ebook fair site - not bad and at least I know it exists! Some interesting titles - I was surprised by the range. I don't think I can read an ebook as I find reading a screen really taxing at times. I read all the time at home and whilst using public transport, but I use that primitive device called a book! Much better than electronic - saves batteries and the planet! I'm not using batteries that cause acid to leach into the soil....that's my logic. I know that producing a book causes untold problems - I enjoy them and will keep enjoying them until I can't! So there!!!!!

No. 16 Podcasts

I can see the benefit of this, but I am not going to add an RSS feed for anything as I consider it junk mail in a different format. It's a means of allowing library users who cannot attend functions to download it as a podcast onto their podthing. I don't possess such a beast, and will probably never own such a beastly thing. I find with permanent hearing loss, even it is with one ear, that I cannot listen very long on anything with headsets - my sole listening ear is just too taxed, and I have the volume set very low to preserve hearing I've got. Not interested in this one at all but I can see the real benefit of this one. I will not be downloading - not an area I'm interested in and anything I've download - theoretically - so far hasn't done a thing......I think I'm jinxed (or the machines know I'm not really interested)?

You Tube

I've just tried to upload a video. Didn't work - wonder why. I don't like the technology and it doesn't like me! You Tube stuff does get sent to me via friends, usually cat related, wonder why? But I find I am not really interested in ploughing around and looking. I have more important things to do with my valuable time. Sorry - I tried and I looked. Not bothering with this one again.

Want comments on how it relates to libraries - like how????? It appears to be everybody's really awful home movies to quite clever things. The thing is to locate it takes forever - or takes forever to download (or not load as the case maybe). I'm sorry but I absolutely have no interest in doing anything on this as it has no appeal or interest - I don't even possess the technology to do this anyway so why do anything???????

Saturday, November 17, 2007

web 17 is actually 14 - oops!

I found I'd listed too far down. Haven't even got there yet - it was the Web 2.0 Awards List that I looked at. Life is too difficult sometimes!!!!

Checked out the Web 2.0 thing on 17?

Well I looked at the list and decided on - I do like it and I've used it in the past. Especially to get my mother's very difficult request of early Georgette Heyer's when she discovered that she'd apparently missed a few! I like it, and it's relatively simple to get around. I also like the fact they support groups in South America.

Technology related blog - as instructed!

This exercise is to write about technology in your blog. This is going to be a stretch - I haven't had time to even play? properly as time this last couple of weeks will and has been very tight. I've read about some of the new technologies coming - paperless text - the "paper" for want of a word is one that stores the image of text on a film thingo and it stores it for about 24 hours - if I'd had the week I've had I probably would have never seen it!!! It's supposed to replace paper - but if it only lasts a certain time is it worth it? It would be very good for temporary things. Just reading "Splendour of Letters" by Basbanes - interesting proposition on how some books/papers were only meant to be kept temporarily - but have become a permanent record by the nature of the content - what to do with a chalkboard of a list of firemen who went to the World Trade Centre and only 4 came back - it is now preserved because of what it represented. How did they preserve it - they encased it in plastic, now it is an object. Will libraries be able to collect this "temporary technology" for notes written by artists/authors/ etc. A challenge - especially as the whole premise is to disappear. What thoughts for a Sunday!!!