Thursday, November 22, 2007

Finished? I hope so? Summation required

Well - I think I've done it? I'm just waiting for someone to say you've not finished at all and have to do it all again! I think I will just curl up in a little ball and scream - not fair not fair. It is finding the blessed time to do this - when you've started learning a new aspect of an area that you have moved to and trying desperately to learn that and this - well that is taking a higher priority than this, quite frankly.

I can say I've looked at most things - and frankly a lot of it is really, really boring to me. I'm not a technology person. I just get by with what I know and that has satisfied me. This has challenged me, but I've had to do things in a hurry in very short spurts, just so I can say I've done it.

If management ever reads this - make sure people have the time allocated specifically - don't assume they can do it. I find doing shifts and then juggling a really heavy workload are really taxing - and try doing this on top!!!!! Not fair...I think you (the manager) have to indicate that a two hour block every whatever day must be done for this - work takes a lower priority, especially if you are harping on making sure everybody does it! It makes it really tough if you are fighting demands to do this, but you are also told work takes priority. Make up your mind what you as a manager want - happy people willing to do it or really resenting the blazes out of it, because it eats into their valuable work time??? Some have resorted to doing it at home - because that's the only time they can do it. Is it that fair??? I have a computer at home - not connected to the internet for a reason. I use it daily at work - why the blazes do I want to use it at home????? I want my time for my things - not for going gaga. I have no interest in connecting - I would if I ever retired - then I can see a use for it, because I won't be using it all the time, and it would be a "luxury".

I am a Luddite in one respect - I am not computer fanatic. I have no interest in half the things the world is going completely insane over. It is all so "over there". In a short time we will all be going crazy over some other bit of technology - which will be just as inane and useless. Which I can't afford or am I even interested in acquiring? Oh fabjous joy! I can stop doing this........Now for some real work!


elephants parading said...


Congratulations on working your way through the program under difficult time contraints - we coordinating the program do appreciate.

The value of a program like this and of the Web 2.0 aspect of the internet now (as I see it), is that the blog allows you to have a voice, to express your opinion about what you are experiencing and learning.

We often do not get that chance with a training activity.

Congratulations again.

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

One day your "real work" will involve using some of these technologies (or similar ones) as mine has. And as I learn more about them, I have also learnt how they can help my work, and more importantly our borrowers.
Internet access, databases, the online catalogue and even using a mouse are just a few examples of how our work environment has changed.
Congratulations on completing the program...and I hope one day you will realise the benefit of some of these technologies in your workplace.
